A review by booksbarksbabble
Come Again by Jiffy Kate


2.5* rounded up.

I love this writing duo, and I love New Orleans, so I really wanted to like this one, but it was just eh. It just dragged so badly for me. At multiple points I thought it was building to a conclusion then I'd look and I was no where near done. The length itself wasn't the issue, there was just too much filler and they spent too long tying up storylines that didn't need that much attention. This would have been a LOT better with a little more editing and like 100 fewer pages.

I also just didn't feel the chemistry between the two main characters. I liked the characters and didn't have a problem with them as a couple (despite the age difference), they just didn't wow me. I was invested in their relationship solely because I liked the characters and wanted them to be happy - not because I was actually invested in the relationship itself.

Obviously, I just wasn't feeling this one, but that's ok. It won't stop me from continuing on with the series or reading other books from jiffy Kate.