A review by mythaster
Being Dead Is No Excuse: The Official Southern Ladies Guide to Hosting the Perfect Funeral by Gayden Metcalfe


Between this and Fried Green Tomatoes, I feel like I'm building an Iron Man suit of southernness for myself. I have no problem with this.

I've never actually been to a full funeral, but there's something about southern church culture (especially that long period in my life of going to a Methodist church) that makes it easy to predict. Everything about this rings true, albeit varnished over with good old country exaggeration.

Anyway, the book is cute. A lot of it is recipes (some of which I'm skeptical of, some of which I want to make Right Now) which makes for a very quick read, since reading recipes is not something you usually do after skimming the title and the blurb that goes with it. The anecdotes are fun, pointing out foibles and weaknesses of white southern "funeral culture" while also having fun with its strengths. (I was so hungry throughout this book. So much talk about cream of mushroom soup. I haven't had casserole in ages.) Very entertaining, quick read, if you're not uncomfortable with funeral stuff.

Also, what the heck is aspic? How have I never heard of this? This was speaking more about what it called the Miss-Ark-La tristate area, so maybe aspic didn't make it to Alabama? I don't know. It sounds like poison. There's a recipe, though, so maybe I'll make it.