A review by mselke
The Case of the Missing Marquess by Nancy Springer


What a cool idea! Enola Holmes is Sherlock's younger sister. She's clever, defiant, and courageous. When her mother disappears, it's up to Enola to try to figure out what happened. Along the way, she stumbles across another missing person case, and solves that one too!

I loved the setting, and the zesty British style. Enola is my kind of character. She questions and defies the "accepted" roles, and gains a lot of confidence along the way. This is the first book in a series of mysteries. Sherlock has a cameo in the story, but it's really all about her.

The back of the book lists it as for ages 8+. My only caution is that the start of the book jumps into the seedier side of London in the late 1800s. She passes by a "lady of the night", and the author uses the term "prostitute". There is no discussion of what it means (in fact, Enola mentions that she doesn't even really know what it is), and my guess is that it would just fly by any elementary kid without them really noticing it. At worst, they may ask about the term. I'd be okay with my son (9) reading the book - but just wanted to put that out there.