A review by gabizago
Ask a Philosopher: Answers to Your Most Important and Most Unexpected Questions by Ian Olasov


Why should I read this book?

If you like to think about the great questions in life - then this book is for you. But if you’re interested in every day basic questions this book is for you too. This covers from the meaning of life to why not everyone loves jelly beans, but in a philosophical way. Every chapter starts just like this review, with a question as a prompt and a few paragraphs trying to discuss the topic in order to get to a (provisional) answer.

As for why you should this book, it is interesting to discuss some of life’s most intriguing questions. Even if philosophy does not provide a clear cut answer for most of those questions, it will at least make you think about them in a different way. Or just think about them, really, because some of the questions are things you didn’t even know they could be posited as a philosophical question.