A review by dreaming_of_limes
Chile: The Other September 11: An Anthology of Reflections on the 1973 Coup by Ariel Dorfman

challenging dark emotional hopeful informative inspiring sad medium-paced


This is a collection of personal accounts and poetry from the 1973 Coup in Chile. Somber and very much relevant to 2025 

I found Ariel’s piece particularly insightful especially his thoughts on the US having an opportunity to choose how they would proceed post 9/11 : 

“In spite of the tremendous pain, the intolerable losses that this apocalyptic crime has visited upon the American public, I wonder if this trial does not constitute one of those opportunities for regeneration and self-knowledge that, from time to time, is given to certain nations. A crisis of this
magnitude can lead to renewal or destruction; it can be used for good or for evil, for peace or for war, for aggression or for reconciliation, for vengeance or for justice, for the
militarization of a society or its humanization. One of the ways for Americans to overcome their trauma and survive the fear and continue to live and thrive in the midst of the
insecurity which has suddenly swallowed them is to admit that their suffering is neither unique nor exclusive, that they are connected, as long as they are willing to look at
themselves in the vast mirror of our common humanity, with so many other human beings who, in apparently faraway zones, have suffered similar situations of unanticipated and often protracted injury and fury.”

I just found this particular poignant because as we have seen in the 20 years since the publishing of this book, the US govt regardless of political party, has continued to choose the latter over and over again; choosing war and vengeance and power over Humanity and compassion. 

Not dense and very easy to read and follow (except the very last speech which I did find much more complicated to get through just due to the language used being much more complex.

I definately want to continue learning about the Chilean struggle and the coup and I’m really glad that I picked up this book. 

Highly reccomend