A review by tessiekat
Comstock Lode by Louis L'Amour


This book and I have a weird history. My grandmother is a huge Louis L'Amour fan and gave me this to read when I was going into high school. My mom was a bit peeved at my grandmother for giving it to me, so I decided to read it, thinking there would be adult themes or violence or something. I didn't get past the first chapter before I got bored and forgot about it. Then, it sort of disappeared off my bookshelf. My senior year of high school, I was volunteering at our library's book sale unpacking boxes and came across this book again. Apparently, my mom had donated it. It even had my little homemade bookmark still in the middle of chapter 1. A dollar later and about a month of trying really hard to read it (it was soooo boring to a teen who was on a romance novel kick), I finished it and finally gave it back to my grandmother.

I really should get around to re-reading it.