A review by katyanaish
Department Nineteen by Will Hill


I liked this book, even though there were some problems with it. Primarily, I felt that all the leaping around in time to tell every character's story in detail was a bit... excessive. It took away from the primary story. I felt that so many pages were spent detailing past events that I only really got to know the main characters half as well as I should have, and in the meantime, I knew about 3 times more than I needed regarding most of the secondary characters. It slowed the book down, significantly. It also made it probably 1/3 longer than it needed to be (total page count). It took away the adrenaline underlying the race to find Jamie's mom - with all the bouncing around, it felt like weeks had passed, instead of what was probably only days in "real time".

Despite that, it was a fun story (despite the villain being exactly who you suspected it was about 75 pages in). Not really twisty-turny, but then, not every book has to be. It did well in establishing the world of this series, and it should be fun watching it progress.