A review by sophyprose
The Deepest End of Love by Lisina Coney


This book hits me to the core.

Lila Callaghan is my spirit fictional character through and through. The internal problems that she faces are so relatable that I cried because I thought I was the only one feeling like that. Despite whatever she feels about herself, she tends to spread light around the world... Her kindness and her love for people around her and especially children and animals? The woman you are, Lila Callaghan. It's sad and hits too close to home with what she's going through inside so I truly adore the ending of her finding herself first before chasing what she wants. Good for her!

As for Reed, the dream man. Amazingly good, patience and calming with children and animals? Unbelievable. It's a harsh truth that the men in this series would never exist and I could NOT bear to live with that but then it's life so I could not do anything *sobbing* Just praying I can find someone at least close to them in this life *begging*.

So, the problem that Lila and Reed went through as a couple is a big one because they're literally forbidden like I just keep thinking oml no, do not do that, do not do this, pleaseee for both of your sake stop- but then again, you can't help who you fall in love with right? Just like what James, our favorite doctor said *wink* Lisina really knows how to do the forbidden professorXstudent trope because truthfully I hate this trope but then, I just ate this book right up.

Lila and Reed are so pure and ughhh I don't know- I can feel the true genuine love between them through these pages and it is so beautiful! The way they supported each other. The way that know what to say and do to make the other feel better even when they don't realize it themselves. They way that they acknowledged their mistakes, forgive each other and still be there for one another. The yearning between both of them. I truly enjoyed this. I really do.

Also, I'm so happy to see more moments of Cal and Grace because my babies are growing old together *bawling* Same goes to Maddie and James! I must say that Cal and Grace would always be my favorite lovers from this series but my girl, Lila just took the spot as one of my favorite girl in the fiction world because I resonate with her so much (And maybe I want a Reed for me too but shushhh).

Definitely would reread this series because nothing has made me feel lighter such as reading these books. Thank you, Lisina Coney for not only writing one of the most romantic, but also, healing books, of all time.

Grace, Cal, Maddie, James, Lila and Reed have help me to realised that I deserved love with the right people, and how I should not feel like my life is over if things doesn't go the way that I want it to be and also, I should never let other people dictate how I want to live my life since they don't know what I'm going through everyday. From here, I learned that I could always forgive myself and not to be harsh on myself with my mistakes since there would always be light at the end of the day. There's so many lessons to be learned from this series that I would always hold dear to my heart. So now, I will end my review by saying how much I freaking love The Brightest Light series and I can't wait for the next book from Lisina <3.