A review by illmunkeys
Atheist Manifesto: The Case Against Christianity, Judaism, and Islam by Michel Onfray


As an atheist manifesto, it does poorly. This is not that book. Atheism is discussed very infrequently. One passage of note, near the end gives a brief synopsis with no expansion or explanation:

"...condemnation of superstition, rejection of intolerance, abolition of censorship, resistance to tyranny, opposition to political absolutism, an end to state religion, proscription of magical thinking, extension of freedom of thought and expression, promulgation of equal rights, the notion that all law arises from contractual immanence, the wish for social happiness here and now, [and] the aspiration toward the universal reign of reason."

However, as a deconstruction of the three major monotheistic religions, it does a smashingly detailed job.