A review by ntombizakhona
HTML & Css: The Complete Reference, Fifth Edition by Thomas a. Powell

informative fast-paced


This reference guide is incredibly thorough, but it dates back to 2008, which makes it more of a nostalgic read than a practical one for today’s web development needs. 

With modern resources like FreeCodeCamp, Codecademy, and Mozilla Docs readily available, you can easily find up-to-date information online. 

Still, there’s something fascinating about looking into the past—reading a book from a time when Internet Explorer was dominant and Google Chrome wasn’t even mentioned. 

While today we rely on Microsoft Edge and Chrome as the main browsers, this guide offers a glimpse into how web development was approached years ago. 

It’s a solid reference, and who knows—if everything goes behind a paywall someday, having a physical copy might come in handy!