A review by dillarhonda
Queer Feminist Science Studies: A Reader by

Cyd Cipolla, Kristina Gupta, David Rubin, and Angela Willey, the editors of Queer Feminist Science Studies have curated a magnificent collection of existing articles from various areas of scientific study in an attempt to queer the scientific field. They challenge the essentialisms not only of the typically male scientific paradigm, but also take aim at rigidity in feminism and gender studies. The editors have also selected articles to highlight the queerness inherent in science – for example, David Rubin’s article on how intersex became a gender, Angela Willey and Sara Giordano’s exploration of vole monogamy and how it impacted gene research, and Michelle Murphy’s dissection of objectivity. Most of the entries were initially published in scientific journals and have been edited down for this volume which will be a welcome relief for those not accustomed to scientific academese. Hopefully, this absorbing collection will be the first of many.