A review by batcher21
Captain by Lauren Rowe


4.5 stars!

Reading in chronological order: Captain, Hero, Ball Peen Hammer, Mister Bodyguard, Rockstar.

A few peeves with this one.

First, I didn't get the use of all the parentheses. Specially in the dialogue. It was distracting. Sometimes, I didn't know if it was an inner thought by the character or if it was actually being said.

Second, by the end, Tessa was on my last nerve with her continued refusal to give Ryan a chance and with her repeatedly calling him a manwhore, using the fact that he was so good at sex as proof. Obviously he must have slept with a bazillion girls if he's that good at the bangin', BUT she was really good too as far as Ryan was concerned, so...?

And last, I was so ready for the withholding of all the facts by Ryan to FREAKIN' STOP ALREADY!

But...I really had fun reading this! The Morgans are freakin' hysterical, and I can't wait to read the rest of their stories. I can already tell they're going to be one of my favorite book families!