A review by scs2479
Unreal by Abigail Raines, Riley Moreno


This is my first review ever. Trigger warning for this book, it is about sexual assault/trafficking.

I enjoyed the pace of the book. The author did a good job with imagery and that the book progressed at an ideal pace. I didn't feel like it dragged on before advancing. It captivated me and I couldn't hardly put it down. The author was effective in bringing out all the appropriate emotions at the right time.

I did find all the grammatical errors to be distracting. My biggest pet peeve of the book was the over-use of italics. I understand putting emphasis on words, but it was ridiculously over-done. I also struggled with words that were completely wrong, but not caught in editing because the word was spelled correctly (example: striped instead of stripped). There was also a point in the book in which the main character is said to have looked at Kim. However, it was Kim's mother that she was looking at (Kim was not even there). When I find these errors, I have to go back and re-read the section to make sure I didn't miss something; only to find out it was just a mistake.

While I do tend to notice errors like this in books, I still enjoy the story-telling. I was not surprised at any of the twists in the book. I was disappointed in the character, but had figured out the twist well before the big reveal. I was surprised with Julie's mother and the lack of any information pertaining to the search for Julie and Kim (was there even a search?).

Spoiler Alert:

I found the circumstances that led Ethan to the trafficking to be far-fetched. I would think that two men who are involved in sexual assault are extremely unlikely to invite a person they just met that day to join them because of one vague comment made about "the blonde upstairs". After finishing the book, I understand where the author was going with it (a sort of guardian angel from Julie's father), but it still doesn't sit well with me.