A review by sandin954
Love Among the Chickens by P.G. Wodehouse


One of [a:P.G. Wodehouse|7963|P.G. Wodehouse|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1198684105p2/7963.jpg]'s first published books in the States, the story is narrated by a young writer who somewhat hesitantly agrees to help out an old friend with newly hatched plan of running a chicken farm even though the friend, Stanley Featherstonehaugh Ukridge, is described as "the sort of man who will ask you out to dinner, borrows the money from you to pay the bill, and winds up the evening by embroiling you in a fight with a cabman." Lots of laughs, romance, chickens, and golf. Listened to the audio version read with great enthusiasm by Jonathan Cecil.