A review by ideallyinspired
Ethan by Nicole Edwards



Ok. I'm going to make this short and sweet, cause I don't want this review to be a rant-fest. But, I apologize in advance in case it does become one.

Alright. So. This book.

I skimmed the first 33%. Not going to lie. Why did I do this? BECAUSE, between Ethan and Beau, it was a never ending back and forth with the "I want you. No I don't" [insert stare contest and eye fuckery here]. It was a constant cycle of inner dialogue repetition, and to me, unnecessary angst. Once you get to the heart of the story, I was able to get on board with the characters. There were some moments where I couldn't connect with the "emotional" parts. A LOT of it came across awfully cliché, and even though I've only read a few M/M books, this story was awfully reminiscent of things I've seen before. There were things in this book that I kinda just shrugged off. In other words, could've done without. There were parts where I found myself shaking my head because I felt as though the author was trying too hard to draw emotion. I'm sorry, but I just couldn't get on board. I liked the characters a lot, and I was invested in this series. That is why I gave it 3 stars. But I found that this one just wasn't for me.