A review by mathoctopus314
Tears of the Nameless by George Mann


*4.5 stars 

Man, it feels so nice to have an author that understands Reath again. Seeing as he’s one of my favorite characters it’s hard to see him get sidelined and stereotyped as that nerdy Jedi (besides Midnight Horizon but that book had its own technical issues) in the past 3 YA novels. This book went back to the Into the Dark vibes and kept his character fleshed out and made him more than some kid who loves research. This is also the first book that Vernestra has been in that I haven’t disliked her perspective in, so that’s nice.

Really the only thing I didn’t like in this book was Dorian comparing his past struggles to Amadeo’s very recent (like an hour prior) trauma and saying those are on the same level- without spoilers— absolutely not. It felt like it was just thrown in there to check the diversity box.