A review by thefolklaurate
Hades by Alexandra Adornetto


More reviews at Rondo of a Possible World: YA Book Reviews

Hades wasn't that bad of a book but some names and some characters just pushed me over the edge.

Bethany is an angel that can exhibit human characteristics. She oogles over her boyfriend Xavier Woods to the point where she can basically take over his shadow. The story begins when Beth is kidnapped by and taken on a motorcycle ride to Hell and is trapped with noway out but to rely on her siblings and human love.

Okay, Bethany just pisses me off completely. She is basically on par with Bella Swan. This book just completely overlaps with Twilight in the "annoying heroine" characteristic and the "THE BOYFRIEND IS THE AIR I BREATHE WITHOUT HIM I CAN'T LIVE" reformation. It's just horrible and Adornetto milks Beth for everything she's worth.

And for the record, I never took this book seriously. For one, calling the mighty Lucifer himself "Bid Daddy" it just irked me the whole way through. How am I suppose to take Hell seriously if they call their demon overlord Bid Daddy? I JUST CAN'T! That's like putting Mike Myers in the Passion of the Christ, YOU CAN'T DO IT, IT DOESN'T WORK.

And basically every character has the personality of cardboard. You have the stupid best friend who gets all the guys because of her looks. The doting boyfriend who is oblivious for the most part and too corny for my standards. The siblings Gabe and Ivy were the only two characters that I could really stomach in this book. Though they weren't the best put together characters *due to the lack of "human emotions because they're angels"* they still make the cardboard cutout character list.

Twilight fans may consume this book with their love of shitty put together characters and overpowering paranormal love story, but I must warn the common public... It's stupid beyond belief. The whole "Big Daddy" thing just really pisses me off for the most part. If you don't mind losing some brain cells, be my guest, read this book. Other wise, it's not worth your time. I just lost hours that I will never be able to get back :/