A review by beckyrendon
The Results of Unrequited by Len Webster


Oh my Gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!

(I'm trying to limit the amount of nasty things I say in this review. I promised myself I wouldn't throw around words like @sshole, d!ckbag, tw@twaffle, or my new favorite dickless turd. All of which I threw at the author in justified rants while reading this book last night.)

If you thought you couldn't possibly love AJ anymore, you are about to be swept away. If you thought that your heart could take what ever the author threw at it, quit while you think you are ahead. I spent 2 weeks avoiding this book. It's funny because I did the same thing with book 2. The fear and uncertainty leave your stomach acid churning, your bruised heart skipping and stuttering, and your mind clutching to perceived notions. I "perceived" this book would gut me and leave me for the scavengers...I was right.

There's no more AJ and Evan.
That one line in the blurb had me backpedaling as far away from this beautiful book as I could get- with my kindle still clutched in my hands. I may be masochist with my ugly cry reading selections but that one line had me paralyzed. Fear it was true and fear I wouldn't know why. So I put my big girl panties on, grabbed tissues, and flipped the page.

I finished it hours later. I'm typing this and I still have the same issues. I look forward to The Dissolution of Unrequited while silently praying I have enough antacids to combat the fear plaguing my body. Because this hopeless romantic is dying for AJ's, excuse me, Alex's happy. She deserves only the best after everything and I'm afraid she won't demand it for herself. Lost among the broken promises and lies, Alex needs to find her footing and stand her ground.

Whether that's with Evan or Connecticut, well, I guess we shall see?

But I could totally introduce you to some ridiculously inappropriate acts of torture and new names for certain characters...if you need help,you know where to find me!!

Len Webster is either the Dr. Nefario (Despicable Me's evil genius) of angst or the Vector (Despicable Me's hopelessly lost villain) of love. I'm just kidding. I had to throw some shade her way after everything she's put me through. No she is an incredibly talented weaver of stories, gifted of love, and magician with words. The meanings behind the titles for these books are so intense. They add an extra layer of rawness. A real descriptive "action" that is the theme for the entire book! It's amazing and honestly I'm at a loss for words.

Yes,I'm going to read Dissolution. Yes, I will probably hide from it once it hits my kindle but we both know that won't stop me from caving in. No because we both know anticipation is part of the charm.

Now that my tears have dried, my concern for AJ still fluttering in my stomach, I can say that this series is a journey I'm so grateful to have taken. Be there with me for the final words...

Reviewed for Sweet Spot Sisterhood