A review by bern_loves
Don't You Know Who I Used to Be by Julia Morris


This review was originally posted on The Bumbling Bookworm

I bought this book a while ago, around the time it was released I’d say, and I just knew it would be an entertaining read. For those of you who may not know of Julia Morris, or J-Mo, she’s an Aussie comedian, radio and TV personality, and actor. And she’s HILARIOUS. Seriously, I’ve seen her live and she does not disappoint!

Reading J-Mo’ tales of trying to make it big in the UK was eye-opening; just because you’re a big deal in your home country doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll have immediate success wherever you go. And that’s what I love about autobiographies, or at least well written ones – because I’ve always known J-Mo to be a success, it was somewhat inspiring to know that what you see/think isn’t always what’s actually happening. But there’s something to be said for hard work and perseverance, and J-Mo got there eventually, conquering the UK like she did Australia years before.

Much like J-Mo herself, this book is charming, genuine and self-deprecating. J-Mo is certainly not scared to tell stories from her personal life and her work life, the positive stories and those that often don’t end well for her or don’t paint her in the best light. In doing so, she does it with such grace and humour that you can’t help but laugh along with her as you’re reading. And laugh aloud I did, which is a rarity for me. Don’t get me wrong, there were also some sad parts in this book, but the storytelling had me crying tears of laughter at times because I was laughing so much. I think it was because I could hear J-Mo’s distinctive voice while reading, I know others have said this and I totally agree. It was written the way J-Mo speaks, which definitely brought more humour to the tale.

This was a quick read and flowed very well, and it felt to me like the first in a series of books by J-Mo about her life. At least I hope it will be. What can I say, it’s a great book and you should definitely read it! J-Mo is very good at whatever she sets her mind to and House Husbands is another must