A review by readinggrrl
A Perilous Conception: A Detective Baumgartner Mystery by Larry Karp


I had a tough time with this book. I wanted to like it but it just wasn't happening for me. I don't need to love the characters of a book to actually enjoy it but there should be someone that I can route for but I didn't even find that, with the exception of really liking the locksmith character who is a friend of Baumgartner and not really a main character to the book.

Dr. Sanfords character has a massive god complex which can be common given his profession but he begins to seriously grate on every nerve, Baumgartner is a cop before anything else. I can't even say he is a good cop since he breaks more rules than Stabler on Law and Order SVU. Plus he basically just ignores his wife which was random and not necessary to the plot.

The mystery isn't much of a mystery and you can figure out what is going on rather quickly. There is a bit more of a twist toward the end of the book which made it start moving more quickly but in the end I was just left rather empty. Unfortunately the best thing I can say about this book is that if you want to know about the history of IVF there is plenty of that in here. I didn't hate the book but I certainly didn't love it either.