A review by captwinghead
Astonishing X-Men Ultimate Collection Volume 1 by Joss Whedon, John Cassaday


I started this review laughing because I finished this book and forgot I'd finished it 10 minutes later. Nothing about this was memorable for me.

I tried letting my feelings on Whedon's take on the MCU films aside to read this. He's definitely not my favorite person when it comes to Marvel products but I like Firefly and Serenity and I like X-men, so I have this a shot. Strangely enough, the problems I have with his shows weren't present here. The problems I have with his films were, however.

One liners.

He loves his one liners. And a lot of them feel like he was just patting himself on the back as he wrote them. Why? Because they came from characters that wouldn't say things like this. Emma Frost is a complex character but her comments are often biting or slightly cold, not quippy. It made her dialogue seem awkward. Even her making blatantly sexual comments about Scott seemed more in character and those were kind of awkwardly placed, too.

Kitty was... interesting. I appreciated the reference to when she first met Emma and she had a few bad ass moments. She didn't stand out the same way she usually does to me and I'm not sure why that is?

I feel like I should give props for an X-men book that didn't focus on Wolverine over everyone else. That's a rarity.

That being said, I must admit that this is certainly not my favorite line up. I'm not sure why but there are no characters of color here. None of my favorite X-Men, aside from Emma, are here. Even Charles is gone for most of this. My excitement was at a 5/10 to begin with.

Anyway, the first plot contains is kind of the plot to the Last Stand. There's a potential cure for mutants and for two minutes, we get the debate over whether it's okay to choose to be cured Scott says it's not because it's they'd be naive to think the government wouldn't force it on proud mutants. Wolverine thinks it'll increase self-hatred. Beast would like the option. It's X-Men Last Stand. But somehow, more bland?

Anyway, of course there's something that kind of kills the choice. The doctor creating the cure is experimenting in dead mutants. So the X-men go to stop them.

The villains here are not memorable. The first one is a dude, I forgot his name, who's trying to cure the mutants for reasons. The second is the fucking Danger Room. Because Whedon thought that would be fun. Then it's a big ass, hybrid Sentinel. No real complexity here.

It's bland. There's nothing exciting about this. I don't think the next volume will excite me more unless they change the line up.