A review by theycallmena
Big Weed: An Entrepreneur's High-Stakes Adventures in the Budding Legal Marijuana Business by Christian Hageseth, Joseph D'Agnese


I recieved this book as a Goodreads First Read.

Big Weed is an exciting, fast tale of capitalist struggle and success. I was distracted by some tonal shifts--sometimes Hageseth talks business, sometimes he tells personal stories, sometimes he takes an activist tone. For example, did you know that marijuana was first outlawed to limit its usage by Mexican laborers, under the thought that it might cause them to act erratically and violently? Hageseth knows, and the fact is shocking. But several pages after reading that fact, we're back into learning more about his early failures in his fledgling business.

The book tries to be a little bit of everything to everybody: from marijuana neophytes to people who understand entrepreneurship to people who need convincing as to why legalization is important. It's a quick, easy read, and a solid overview of the marijuana industry so far.