A review by kittyg
A Veil of Spears by Bradley P. Beaulieu


A thoroughly enjoyable read and continuation to the series which has SO many big reveals, tense moments and crazy excitement. I think this one was a perfect one to binge-read and I actually audiobook-ed it, which I do recommend, there is a lot to catch up on. I missed reading this one when it came out which meant that there was a long gap between me finishing the second and the third, but I think that I still managed to return to the characters and world and not feel like I was missing too much or too distant. It's definitely a unique enough story and world to keep you interested, and the combination of sand ships, tribes, trapped souls, magic and more just pulls you in.

Ceda is our main character still, but Emre is now quite key to the plot. I think that there are a whole load of other characters who would be worthy of noting here too, but becuase I listened to the audio a lot of the sound similar enough to have slightly confused my brain. The voice acting was decent, but trying to remember who is who now is proving trickier for the more minor characters.

The plot here is still very much about the 12 Kings being brought down and to task for their injustices against the thirteenth tribe. We have learned a lot about Ceda's mother and her quest and the reasons she did and believed what she did. I think by this point in the series we are starting to see a big shift towards the war which looms, and the end of the book is largely focused on that. However, there is also a lot of other magic which is happening with goddesses, blood magic, birds and more.

Overall, a solid continuation and a good way to get back into the series. I plan to read the next one soon whilst it's still fresh in my memory. 4*s