A review by darwin8u
The Age of Reason Begins by Will Durant, Ariel Durant


"If we interpret philosophy not as metaphysics but as any large perspective of human affairs, as a generalized view not only of the cosmos and the mind but as well of morals, politics, history, and faith, Shakespeare is a philosopher, profounder than Bacon, as Montaigne is deeper than Descartes; it is not form that makes philosophy."
-- Will Durant, The Age of Reason Begins

A great survey of the start of the Age of Reason (1559 to 1648). Will Durant (with Ariel Durant) continues to amaze me. Some parts drag just a bit, but for a survey this large, I'm constantly impressed that I'm rarely bored. His passion for people, history, philosophy and art jumps off every page. Volume VII starts with Queen Elizabeth and Shakespeare and ends with Descartes.

I'll add more later I'm sure.