A review by s_n_arly
Midnight Riot by Ben Aaronovitch


Midnight Riot was recommended when I was in search of a bit more ethnic diversity in my fantasy reading. I enjoyed the very beginning but got interrupted by a number of things before I was able to finally pick it back up (this was a life chaos issue, not the fault of the book). Once I got back to reading, I was sucked in and invested.

The magic is intriguing. The plot and storyline are engaging and well-paced. It's a world I look forward to returning to. The whole idea of having a magical department in the London police, dedicated to ferreting out (and eliminating) the disturbances caused by vampires, ghosts, and others is full of opportunity, which is very much not squandered here. The complexity of magic is a nice change from so much current fantasy. The humor of the characters and touches that make it feel so very real are well done. The inclusion of spirits connected to places (and having a conflict that includes them that is separate from the main story) is fantastic.

I love Peter's cleverness and constant questioning of things. He was clearly born for this role.