A review by darcey_orchid
The Infinity Courts by Akemi Dawn Bowman


buddy read with my girl Macy!


this book gets an extra star just for THAT ENDING! omg Akemi Dawn Bowman better pay for my hospital bills after the heart attack i received during those last 60 pages… i was no prepared, and i demand immediate answers in the form of book #2!!

The Infinity Courts was so much better than i expected, and i loved every minute of reading this book. i was obsessed and sucked in from the very first page, and bowman’s writing is absolutely brilliant! the concept is unique, the characters were lifelike - i have no complaints. the MC was beautifully written in the way that she wasn’t perfect and she sometimes made mistakes, and i really loved that.

overall, i’m just so glad i read this, and i can’t wait for the rest of the series!!