A review by the_reader_mommy
The Baby Group by Caroline Corcoran


Scarlett is a rich and successful mom to a 11-month old girl. She is on maternity leave from her amazing Digital Marketing job and runs a successful online blog called Cheshire Mama. Cheshire is the name of the village where she lives, some 1 hour away from the hubbub of the city, in a huge listed home on a private road. She's friendly, outgoing, ever ready to click a picture and post it on her Instagram feed.
Her friends from NCT - outgoing and brash Cora, quiet and apologetic Emma, and small cleanliness freak Asha - are her 3 am friends now, now that she doesn't have any "old" friends to fall back on after becoming a mother.

Eventually, she joins back to work, and the day she does, she has a huge shock in store.

Someone has mailed her boss and her co-workers a sex tape in which she is with two people - both males. The video is sent to her husband, her friends from work, and her father as well.
Everyone, except her NCT friends. And Scarlett has no idea who did this or why.

As the world around her slowly disintegrates, she tries to keep her NCT friends from knowing this terrible secret, which in turn, would open a can of worms that no one can contain.

What I liked:
The language was fluid and it was a quick read - always a plus for me as I'm strapped of time ALWAYS!

The characters were well fleshed out. Scarlett's NCT friends, Ollie, Mitch, and Ed were all people with their own struggles and battles. I LOVE well-defined characters.

The ending was good. It tied up loose ends. Gave valid explanations for everything.

What I didn't like:
Why did Scarlett have to find evidence of who sent the video (as suggested by her lawyer)? Isn't it the work of the police?

Some situations seem improbable. Like the one where Scarlett breaks down in front of Ed and then all the four of the NCTs go to the bar and drink themselves senseless. Hello? What about your babies?

Anyway, these points apart, the book was good. Nothing mind-blowing, but if you're looking for a quick mystery read, this book is the one for you.

Thanks to Netgalley and Avon Books for the ARC copy.