A review by theatlantean
The Lost Empire of Atlantis: History's Greatest Mystery Revealed by Gavin Menzies


Some good research here, but some leaps as well. However there are some amazing facts uncovered, which, when put together provide a strong case for the Minoans having got much of their copper from America. It sounds outlandish, because it doesn't sit well with traditional history, yet there are some very good pieces of physical evidence - and anyone who doesn't like it has to explain the Minoan votive carvings on the Mississipi and around Lakes Michigan and Superior. And also, where the missing 100,000 tons of copper went from the smelt works next to the lakes, between 2500-1500 BC... and the stone circle on Beaver Island... I could go on.

The humanising parts of the book bored me however. I don't care about your boat trips and sight-seeing, Mr Menzies!

It is only really the final chapter that puts the Atlantis link in, and apart from the close correlations to Plato's description, I am not wholly convinced. Maybe because this book was actually about the Minoans and what they were capable of doing, and how far their trading empire stretched. If there was more study on the Atlantis bit... but then to be fair, all we have are Plato's fairly short descriptions of this mythical place. What is there to say? And will it ever be enough to show with more conclusiveness than in this book where Atlantis really was?