A review by pathenshaw
Brody by Emma Lang


I just love it when mysterious characters from one book finally get their own stories. Brody, the title character here, was just such a character in Lang’s previous book, Matthew, which strained credulity. Fortunately, Brody is written more closely to the standards of the gritty Wild West and is much more enjoyable.

Brody is a man in black, a Texas Ranger who helped Matthew track and defeat the bad guy in the previous book. He’s short on words and large of heart, and has a scar on his chin. As the saying goes, what’s not to like?

At the end of the last book, Brody had found a lead to where Matthew’s youngest brother might have been taken after he was kidnapped. Brody intends to follow the lead and stops by Matthew’s ranch to tell him where he’s going. Matthew isn’t home, however, having gone on a trip with his new wife.

Olivia, Matthew’s forceful and outspoken sister, has long admired Brody, especially since he’s an excellent tracker. When she learns he’s going to hunt for her brother, she decides to go with him, much to Brody’s chagrin. As he tells her, he works alone, always.

But Olivia doesn’t take no for an answer, and catches up with Brody and browbeats him into taking her with him. Her brother Benjy would much rather see her face when he’s rescued than the forbidding, but handsome Brody’s. After she saves him from a bad guy’s attack, grudgingly, Brody takes her with him across the Rio Grande into Mexico and danger. There they meet a minor war lord who is itching to become a bigger player. Keeping the persistent Olivia safe becomes harder and harder as the war lord takes a fancy to her, especially since Brody reluctantly realizes he’s attracted to her himself.

Read the rest of my review at AAR: http://www.likesbooks.com/cgi-bin/bookReview.pl?BookReviewId=9120