A review by literarylifter
Mort by Terry Pratchett

adventurous funny inspiring medium-paced


One of my favorite Discworld novels, and in such a gorgeous cover!

Death comes for us all. When he came for Mort, he offered him a job. 

Death—the grim reaper of Discworld, a black-robed skeleton with glowing eyes—is tired of his job. He'd like to take some time off, and experience the joys that humanity has to offer. There's just one problem: in order to step away, he'll need an apprentice.

Mort would be stupid to refuse the offer to be Death's apprentice. Free room and board? Access to the company horse? And he doesn't even have to be dead. It's a dream job.. until Mort falls in love with Death's daughter, Ysabell.

I'm a big fan of Terry Pratchett's Discworld series. Mort is one of the first ones that I read, so it has always held a special place in my heart. So when I saw the gorgeous hardcover UK editions, I knew I had to splurge and order it.

As with all of the Discworld books, the story is utterly ridiculous. The footnotes and side-bar thoughts at the bottom of the pages make my ADHD brain swoon. The over-the-top worldbuilding and hilarious turn of events keeps me on my toes. And Death is easily one of my favorite characters.

I only wish I had discovered the hardcover UK editions BEFORE rebuilding my library, because they're gorgeous enough to be worth the long shipping times and conversion.