A review by twounrulygirls
A Pound of Flesh by Sophie Jackson


**copy received from publisher via Netgalley in exchange we will review for Two Unruly Girls http://www.facebook.com/twounrulygirls **

I really enjoyed this story..

I got an email from the publisher saying I could auto download this book from Netgalley and enjoy! It's like Christmas early when I get those emails, I had an opening in my reading schedule and jumped right into this one, enjoying the blurb and intrigued by what the story could entail. I was not disappointed. In all honesty it takes me a little longer to connect to a story told in third person POV but I quickly became acclimated and was engrossed in where this road was leading us. The end result was a man that had paid his price, found the love that had been placed in his heart years before and decided to choose the path he was born into to earn his rightful place in the society that had shunned him all of his life. It's a story that shows sometimes what looks like the right, safe choice is just the opposite and fighting for a love that transcends time, social lines and pedigrees is completely worth it. I thought both characters were strong, captivating and everything felt real and relate-able . I would recommend this story to our blog followers, thanks for letting me get a chance to read this book. It's a gem that I may not have ever seen in the flurry of new novels.