A review by missrissreads
So Not Meant To Be by Meghan Quinn


"Because when she called me Jonah last night, nothing had ever sounded more right."

Oh Meghan, you've done it again. I have once more fallen for a Cane brother and I'm not the least bit surprised. JP was my favorite from the start if I'm honest, I loved the way he teased Hux and the fun energy he showed but now I get to see all the edges of who he is and why he responds to life the way he does and I LOVE HIM MORE.

Kelsey and JP start off the book at odds with each other because they are both thrown off by their attraction to each other that they are obviously denying it, and it makes for a jumbled start to their relationship. I wouldn't quite call them enemies to lovers...more like I'm pretending that I don't love you to lovers...HA!

Kelsey has her dream man designed perfectly in her head and she is the hopeless romantic who is waiting for her romantic comedy movie to start rolling out right in front of her. She is so wrapped up in the idea of love that she is missing what is right in front of her.

Not that JP is doing himself any favors by always leaning on his defense mechanisms of pushing people away and making everything into a joke. We see his heart throughout the book, but I wish he would have opened up about some of his thoughts sooner. I wanted to smack him through this book on more than one occasion.

I almost gave it 4 stars because of this...but THE DAMN PIGEON SCENE. It made it a 5 star read. I have never scene a mental breakdown so beautifully crafted and then the pigeon meet cute. Yes just yes! If you read this book tell me the pigeon doesn't make you fall harder...

I have not found a book by Meghan that I haven't thoroughly enjoyed but I will say the Cane brothers are at the top of my list right now. Off to read Breaker's story now and probably fall for him too.