A review by nicmar
The Air He Breathes by Brittainy C. Cherry


2 barf worthy stars.

I don't get it. I just don't get it.


This book has been on the Amazon Bestselling List sitting comfortably on the top five for the past few weeks and garnering glowing reviews. I mean, just look around us. JUST LOOK. Everyone and their mother loves this book. It has a mere 1% for 1-2 stars on Amazon.

So, why didn't I love it? Is it because I'm a grumpy asshole?

Reasons I don't like this book:

1. The main characters have no personality. Literally. None. Zero. Nada. I can honestly tell you that I don't know either of the main characters. Their whole personalities consist of the fact that they both went through tragedy. Tristan is an archetypal asshole and Elizabeth is...nothing. There's nothing to say about this chick.

2. Elizabeth has a child who is neglected throughout the book. Several times, Elizabeth jumps out of her house to go to Tristan's house and spend the night. Uh...you're just going to leave your kid alone at night? Mother of the year fucking award, lady.

3. The narration is so sappy, guys. Like, is there something wrong with me? Am I just cold hearted? Or are the following lines as barf worthy to you as they are to me?

I could almost see his soul within his eyes

"Show me the shadows that keep you up at night. Kiss me with your darkness" (This happens in the middle of sex guys. SEX. Talk about a turn off.)

But when I was with him, at least I remembered to breathe

Breathing is an involuntary mechanism, Brittany Cherry.

(And this is the absolute worst and oddly enough the one most people quote)

You know that place between nightmares and dreams? That place where tomorrows never come and yesterdays don't hurt anymore? The place where your heart beats in sync with mine? The place where time doesn't exist and it's easy to breathe? I want to live there with you.

Barf. If any of you aww'd while reading that then get out. Get out.

4. This author insists that each character helps the other breathe. Hence the title of the book. I know the author was going for depth but groan. People don't forget to breathe, Brittany Cherry. We literally can't. Stop with the terrible sappiness.

5. Even with all of the above, even with all the hatred I have towards the writing and the characters, I could have enjoyed this but then somewhere around the 75% mark the book went bat shit crazy and she tried to insert all these terrible plot twists for which there was no foreshadowing whatsoever, just out-of-the-ass plot twists for the sake of it. One terrible plot twist after the other.

I gave the book two stars because, in its defense, I think I wasn't its target audience. I love a good well developed romance with two adults but oh my god I hate sappiness for the sake of it.



You're telling me that in all the time they dated they never once asked each other when their respective tragedies happened? They could've easily put two and two together. For fuck's sake. It was just such a terrible ending.