A review by mythicaldelenn
His Quiet Agent by Ada Maria Soto


I've taken a while to review this book because I loved it so much I wanted to do it justice. It was just what I needed to feel something in a moment when doing so felt otherwise impossible. This is a story about two queer, probably neurodivergent men finding each other, even in their workplace that pushes them to the social margins. I loved how well this book showcases all of the caretaking, trust, healing, and commitment romance involves regardless of any sexual relationship. If you're looking for an asexual romance in every sense of the word, you'll find it here. From a craft perspective, I found it just about perfect in pacing, which is rare for me to say about a novella, and the writing was clear and fit the characters' personalities. It's quiet and sweet without sacrificing all friction and conflict. Beyond the romance, I was also very invested in Arthur's complicated relationships with his family and the setting where high stakes action is going on elsewhere while the characters we're following basically work an office job for most of the book. I could go on, but I don't want to give too much detail with how short this is. So do yourself a favor and set aside a couple hours to read it! His Quiet Agent has no sex scenes and only discusses it in terms of the characters discussing their asexuality.

CW: Death of a parent, disordered eating, recovering from serious injury, and hospitals