A review by debsiddoway
The Ballroom by Anna Hope


"His words coloured the air."

So reflected Ella, on hearing John's letter, and it is a quote apt for the entire book. So much of the communication between the two central characters is through the written word, and the written words is what takes centre stage in this book. It is exquisitely written, the language filled with a cadence delightful to read.

This book is a true indulgence, rich in both story and character. Ella, John and Charles are all complex characters, and much of the reading is spent trying to better understand them, and how they got to the place where their lives are brought together - in a mental institution.

The history of the era is faithfully captured, and there is a creeping sense of horror at the scientific acceptance of the concept of eugenics that was being explored at the time, an almost natural evolution of Charles Darwin's text that had been published the generation before.

I finished this book last night and stayed awake reflecting on it. This book is a treat and I hope to read more by the author soon.