A review by levaire
Ginger's Heart by Katy Regnery


This book broke my heart. Honestly, I don't usually read books this heart wrenching. I like happy stuff. And yet once I got into the story, I couldn't put this book down, even as it broke my heart, and then later somewhat pieced it back together again.

I have loved Katy Regnery's writing style since I picked up "Bidding on Brooks", which was my first foray into her books. And I think in "Ginger's Heart", the writing really shone. It was soulful, it was descriptive without being tedious, it was punch-you-in-the-gut impactful. Although, in the front part of the book, there were many scenes presented from the views of the 3 protagonists, and I felt that there were many overlaps which could have been reduced. But nonetheless, the writing was stellar; it blew me away, and it made me weep. It was beautiful, but it was painfully beautiful.

Reviewed on 4 May 2016.