A review by sarahbc93_
The Dolphins of Laurentum by Caroline Lawrence


So we are powering through these books now, love that for me. And I’m so enjoying this trip down memory lane as it’s been such a long time since I read these for the first time I’ve forgotten so much about what happens in them.

What is incredible though is that while I have forgotten a lot of what happens in the books, as soon as I start to read them again I’m instantly reminded of the story and it all comes rushing back to me. This one in particular I remember scaring me as a kid, I think it was the image of the dead octopus and the e descriptions of what happens to divers after too many dives in a day.

Plus the connections that Lawrence makes between people are so subtle that you don’t even fully realise until it is right on top of you. As I say, thoroughly enjoying the journey through this series and can’t wait to get to the others.