A review by lisibee815
A Lady's Guide to Marvels and Misadventure by Angela Bell

Did not finish book.
Good story and I loved the steampunk aspect and Clara and "Arthur" together. BUT, I did not know going in that this was Christian fiction so I didn't expect quite so many references to God and Christianity; they definitely pulled me out of enjoying the narrative. And her family bugged the heck out of me. I felt sympathy for poor Clara, thinking she was responsible for her family, although I get why she felt that way given her family's history and the very real threats from her ex-fiance. But then her own mother (who was ridiculously impulsive) telling Clara to stop worrying and put the family in God's hands, saying that by thinking she had to be the family's caretaker it meant she was thinking she was as good as God? Implying that Clara's sense of duty to her family bordered on arrogance, instead of coming from a place of love and very real concern. That ticked me off a bit, it felt very unfair to Clara although it fit with her mother's generally clueless nature. I definitely agree that Clara would have been much better off not shouldering the burden of watching over her adult relatives. Here's where I admit that I was so aggravated by her mother that I couldn't finish the book after making it 50 percent of the way through. I was enjoying the evolution of both Clara and Arthur/Theodore, both as individuals and in their relationship, but my simmering frustration with her family members boiled over and I just didn't want to keep going.