A review by rachelcabbit
The Pemberley Ball: A Pride and Prejudice Vagary Novella by Regina Jeffers, A. Lady


At first, I was bored. Mushy romance, a bit ooc etc. Then i was annoyed. Darcy too controlling. Lizzie accident prone and petulant.
I grew more and more annoyed by the ridiculous plot and butchering of beloved characters and almost added this to my rare dnf pile.
But I persevered only to be met with a series of 3 alternate scenes for the climax. This is some serious amateur unprofessional stuff. Professionals edit and make choices. They don't give a reader their drafts and ideas. Or at least they choose one and leave the alternate scenes as an appendix. One scene was by far better and less ridiculous than the other 2.
To top it off, the author clearly has no clue about Newcastle. A kid on the street would not call Darcy "guvner" and to describe Newcastle in such negative terms is insulting.
It just added to my dislike of this book. That is without talking about the mistaken words -the malapropisms that make the sensible characters look stupid. And the fact Georgiana calls her brother Darcy.
So much wrong with this. I'm so annoyed that I read it!