A review by sistermagpie
A Clash of Kings by George R.R. Martin


I'm finally getting around to reading the next book in this series--finished it just in time for the library to tell me they've got the next book waiting for me on hold. They're getting longer so I hope it doesn't disappear from my e-reader before I finish!

This book seemed like a quicker read than I remember the last one being. I was always completely engrossed in what was going on, worried about the characters, in suspense about what would happen next. I've gotten so used to hearing GRRM criticized for taking so long to write the most recent book, but you can't say that these books are ever something someone could pound out without care and attention. There's a lot of care that obviously goes into them. I'm really impressed at the way every character is so compelling. I've read other books that switch povs or have characters drop out of the story and sometimes you can't help but be disappointed when you're stuck with one you don't like as much as the others. Luckily the chapters in these books are also a nice length so you never feel like any one person is taking over, even if they have more chapters than other characters.

Jumped right into the third book after I finished. Loved the ending of this one. It must be hard to pick one moment to end on with so many different povs to choose from, but Martin hits the right note of anticipation here (as he did in GoT) while still leaving you feeling that it could hell still go to hell for every character.