A review by prairiephlox
The Four Feathers by A.E.W. Mason, Gary Hoppenstand


An excellent story about love, courage, and honor. After reading the novel you’ll realize how pitifully simple all the movies are, the only way you could do proper justice to the magnitude of the novel would be a first rate TV show. There are so many characters, so much background history, so many exploits and motivations, that the book is never boring. The characters will each evoke powerful emotions, and Mason really captures the full scope of the human mind. Harry Feversham is probably one of my favorite characters, because he is so real, and his person is not something that would have occurred to just any author. His motivations are so pure, yet never simple, that you won’t be able to stop yourself from admiring him. The ending of this book is just so powerful, that I feel I cannot do it justice in a review without giving away spoilers. Suffice it to say, it’s an often underrated masterpiece.