A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Forged from the Ashes by J. Kearston


I don't know if I just have a bad day today, if not finishing this book right away was a mistake or if the book was just not what I hoped. However, now I finished this book I most of all feel there was a lot of potential and there were some really awesome moments, but I think that especially considering the pacing this book could have been better.

The first half of the book, the half where our heroine is meeting with the three guys who will later become her mates, is actually quite good. The first chapter is exciting and gives us a clear feel of our main character and who she is and I like how information is released quite slowly and never in an info-dump kind of way. It feels very natural and because we don't get that much information I also grew more and more curious about the world this story took place in.

I also really liked how the click between her and her mates was set up. We get to see them meeting, we get to see what makes them different from the other males, we get to see why our heroine clicks with them and what she sees in them. And, we discover that they have quite interesting backstories. They have been through a lot and I was really curious to discover what they had been through and what was actually happening and going on.

However, then the second half of the book happens and all of a sudden things move at lightning speed. Too fast, probably. Sometimes I read something and then read the next alinea and wondered how all that had happened in the previous alinea. I was losing track of what they were doing and how things were done or how things worked. The lack of info dumps was positive for the first half, but negative for the second half.

If the second half had been a little slower and the action packed finale a little more detailed, I might have liked it more. However, the first half of the book is still very much worth it.