A review by birdkeeperklink
Son of the Black Stallion by Walter Farley


I liked this one, for the most part. Satan was a nice horse after he got over the whole 'trying to murder everyone he sees' thing. I could've done without the frantic search for a slip of paper thing; I get that enough in real life!

I'm just not sure I agree with Henry's, uh, 'method' of straightening Satan out. It worked, in the end, but it was pretty much animal abuse, and he could've been killed. It certainly wasn't the 'only' way to tame him, just the fastest. I'm sure Alec's way would have worked eventually, because unlike what Farley seems to have believed, horses can't be 'throwbacks' and be 'inherently wild'. If that were true, even Henry's method wouldn't have worked.