A review by lolasmom
Sea Spell by Jennifer Donnelly


the mythology in this series is lowkey the only reason I am still here. I really debated rating this lower because the characters are so simply written/predictable it is almost painful at times to hear what the frick frack they do or say. Typically, I can power through, but in this "final installment", I found I was enraged with two aspects above all else.

They had the opportunity to have a really real moment of danger when one of the characters lowkey dies. I was shook because I thought this series was so fluffy character-wise they wouldn't have the guts to kill his person off. Turns out I was right, much to my chagrin...if you kill someone, and I mean like no argument that they are dead, literally write that their "heart stopped beating," why the fudge would you bring them back to life?? I'm shook. What a cop out for a character no one even liked anyways.

Next, the epilogue of this?? So painfully info-dumpy I was cringing (like explaining what happens to each of the characters). Also. I understand that Sera is the "main character" or whateva, so she should be the voice in the epilogue, but I don't know about y'all, I was ACHING for some Astrid/Des interaction as well as Becca/Marco, which literally could have easily happened in the final chapter instead of Sera just rattling off very vague and annoyingly non descriptive variations of their romances and focused more on her own, which is the most "developed" of the trio of instalove. Ugh.

Finally I'm just shook there's gonna be more books. Don't get me wrong, I dig the world a lot, but the thought of Sera's voice for more than these four books?? Ehhh... not the biggest fan. But really, she's the literal entire reason that this plot hole will be a problem 🙄 I had a hecka bad feeling that one plot aspect is left unresolved and I guess we're getting s new series out of it...ugh

Overall, this is an enjoyable series because the world and portrayal of mermaids is nothing like I've ever read and very fascinating if you enjoy undersea creatures. The characters and vernacular of the book, however, are written for a younger audience, so it can be frustrating and difficult to stomach them or relate to their seemingly obviously solvable problems. Not the best conclusion to a saga, also (mainly because it hints that it is not the end of their story at all...again, 🙄) but definetly a nifty little series.