A review by swsquadleadr327
Maude Horton's Glorious Revenge by Lizzie Pook



This book had such great promise and fell apart in so many ways. It was so frustrating to constantly follow the POV of the bad guy who was annoying and repetitive. This book was so repetitive in so many ways. The villain's POV, Maude's POV. The bright spots were the diary entries from Maude's sister. But the book was so tedious to read and Maude is so frustrating that her chapters mostly consist of her complaining about how sad and Victorian she is. I kept waiting for some sign that Maude was actually going to DO something.
The last chapter finally has something happen, except it basically sums up the entirety of the book in flashback. So instead of reading the story of Maude growing as a person and developing her plan and working with others to enact her revenge you read about it in a few pages. And then the book ends.
It was absolutely infuriating. It also didn't fully wrap up the threads that it set up. Everything about this was dull and frustrating. The premise had such promise and fell flat on absolutely everything.

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