A review by phillyphootball
Something Just Like This by Lisa Shelby


Cami and Liam were full of amusing banter and sizzling chemistry. Smart and funny, sad and moving, my heart strings were plucked to a tune that I enjoyed every moment of. This is the first book of Shelby’s that I’ve read, and I plan to read her again. Though I assume that the previous books in the series covered Cami and Liam’s friends, I in no way felt lost during the book. Would having read the previous ones allow me to be excited to “visit” some beloved characters again? Most likely. But I enjoyed this as a true stand alone.

My one criticism is that I think the two characters were a bit too hard on themselves. They went from funny, confident, “life of the party” type people to introspective “I screwed everything up, I’m the worst” people pretty quickly. That being said, the confidence was a bit of a mask played on the world stage, which each of us is guilty of at one point or another, so who am I to judge?