_simply_sarah_'s reviews
399 reviews

Claiming His Mate by Aspen Grey

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 12%.
Super icky vibes. One MC is attacked by 3 people. Our other MC swoops in and saves the day. MC1 passes out, MC2 takes him home. Then whilst MC2 is cleaning MC1 up, whilst he's still unconscious, MC2 is checking out MC1's body and has to talk himself out of "taking" MC1 🤢 grim. 
Dating a Demon by Amy Padilla

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 51%.
Quite a few reasons as to why I DNFd. I felt the writing style wasn't for me. The characters kind of annoyed me a bit. Like everything was quite surface level and their internal thoughts were just a bit petty. There wasn't specifically anything wrong with it, it just wasn't a great match for me. I found myself not wanting to read, so I decided it was best to DNF, rather than finish it to prove to myself that I could 😂
Nor Iron Bars a Cage by Kaje Harper

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 11%.
Nothing wrong with the book itself, I just wasn't feeling it right now. Night come back at some point.