anotherhalima's reviews
713 reviews

Dangerous Truths by Kris Butler

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 8%.
why do rh book almost always have very judgemental mfc? like eight percent in the mfc is at the gym and goes to see the receptionist to sign up for a class. she has this whole inner monologue about women like that gave women a bad name. i’m so confused. one minute she has an almost panic attack and the next she making fun of someone before ever interacting.

“One of the peppy blonde girls was working the counter. I honestly tried not to be a bitter judgmental bitch, but these girls gave other women bad names. Completely plastic, tanned, and fake all over described it best. They only worked here to find their next meal ticket by hoping to steal away a rich sugar daddy. Good luck, ladies.”

see what i mean? how did she get all that from the way the receptionist looked?

i can accept/ignore this behaviour from teenagers/early twenties but mfc is in her thirties and is a therapist.
Consort by Ada Dart

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 31%.
i like the concept of the book and really wanted to like it but it didn’t work for me.

first the age gap between the mmc 1 and mfc is like thirty years. it would have been fine if she was worldly and lived outside her small town but she’s not which added to my ick factor. there would be moments that he would stare at her that should be sweet/hot and it came off creepy to me. add the fact their are about to have bdsm relationship and ck factor goes to like a thousand.

second, the writing is too old timey and formal for me. 

third, the mfc is so childish despite being twenty four. when a character is that oblivious it heightens my anxiety too much. i just know they are going act irrationally. also she so far doesn’t bother to get to know anyone making her unlikeable. she insists it’s bec it’s ppl staying clear of her but she doesn’t even bother with charlotte. i just want my mfc to just be normal girls girl. rh tends stick them one person and then a bunch of dudes and that is not v girls girl.

fourth, it’s a slow burn but i’m not there when she’s interacting with mmc1. i don’t know why slow burn authors tend skip that. i’ve read fast burn romances that have had more on page interactions than this.

anyway if those elements don’t bother you go for it. i do think there is a audience for this and my issues with it is more of a personal preference.
Twisted Ink by A.M. McCoy

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 20%.
i hate it when a poly relationship is lopsided. i want everyone to love everyone. d is minimizing how much he cares for the guys. trey wants to take his anger in rey. parker might the okay person here.

i would complain about the smut but  auther did say it would be so that’s on me. im just someone who likes some romance building before we get to it.
Vengeful Gods by Elliott Rose

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 29%.
the mfc is a horny mess from the beginning and now she jealous of a woman touching the man that kidnapped her??? lol 
The Perfect Fit by Sadie Kincaid

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 9%.
this might be a silly reason to dnf but a blonde blue eyed cadaan guy saying shorty??? issa no for me dawg
Queened by Vera Nyx

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all of the mcs in this book are over thinkers except gavino. it was giving me a headache. it would have been interesting if it wasn’t repetitive or simple conclusions i got to way before them or some don/sub sexual stuff. baron was at least was unhinged enough for me to be okay with it but vivian and leo acted as if they were these intense manipulative big dogs. it didn’t come of that way. they just came off as not smart. i had to skip a lot of inner monologues bec as i said headache. it was entertaining though to see where author was taking it. unfortunately it’s not a complete series or standalone as i thought so tbh wished i dnfed.

shout out to gavino the most normal one in the group. also sex scenes last for chapters. they spanned over four or five chapters. this was basically erotica. i couldn’t do that to myself skipped making this a v short read. 

if you’re looking for a very smutty dom/sub dubcony mmmf book with some mafia stuff in the background this is your book.
The Silence Lies by Sophie Dyer

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 16%.
i need these women mafia leaders to step it up. i’m sorry why the hell did the mfcs father think she’d be good leader when information make her sick? why did sue take it? i read r2r recently and it had the same probables of incompetent female leader. 
Lawless Princes by Dani René

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 12%.
““I’m not one of those schoolboys you’re used to,” he informs me in a violent grunt. “I’m a man. And I will, most certainly, make you cry.” “

i think this is supposed to be hot but it just feels icky. it seems like she just graduated high school so it just sounds predatory really. 

Breaking Lucia by Raissa Donovan, Addison Wolf

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 15%.
my anxiety is through the roof. i don’t think i can handle this.
My Bloodline by KC Kean

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 18%.
the mfc is not like other girls. also thieving being something passed by by blood s the most ridiculous thing i’ve ever heard. if it was fantasy sure. having powers that aide with that would make sense bt this is contemporary! how am i supposed to take that seriously.