babytoadstool's reviews
157 reviews

Hit-Girl Volume 6 by Peter Milligan

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Note Before I Begin: This book gets pretty messed up so a little heads up. There is gore, mutilation, violence (A lot of it)

As Hit-Girl travels around the world, this time she is in India. She has uncovered a criminal operation where these men will basically pick up children off the street and do some NOT nice stuff to them. Well Hit-Girl tracks them down and their leader named The Beggarman, she becomes a protector and an ally to a local community called the Hijra.

In this book they talk about a community of people in India named the Hijra who identify as a third gender. I did some research after reading this book and this community actually exists. The Hijra community in this book was targeted for violence and turns out in real life this also happens. I have never heard of this community before so I am really happy to have learned about the Hijra and their community.
I will admit I didn't enjoy this book as much as the other books in this series. There we times where I had to go back and reread the text because I just didn't understand it and the wording.
I really do like the character though and how awesome they are. I will admit when I think about the fact that Hit-Girl is a child, it is sad though. And how messed up she is.
Overall, I didn't mind this book but it wasn't my favorite in the series.
Treasure in the Lake by Jason Pamment

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This book follows two friends named Iris and Sam who grow up in this boring town called Bugden. Iris is adventurous and really just wants an adventure and to explore. One day Iris and Sam stubble upon a hidden and forgotten city. And definitely get an adventure. Well also trying to save their friendship.

This book was good and I liked the plot of the story its adventurous and I liked the art in the book.
One part though that really sucked, personally (You don't need to read the spoiler to understand my thoughts on this book)
Spoiler was that at the very end an older man that helps Iris and Sam through out the book has to tell Iris and Sam that both of them reminded him of his wife and him that started out as friends and then married each other. Something about this just annoyed me. Through out the book Iris and Sam are friends and honestly that part of the book was unneeded. I didn't find it cute or anything it was just awkward.

Besides that, it was a good book and I enjoyed the couple of last pages that tells you about the book and making this book and some history about cities or towns that are underwater in real life!
One Year Wiser: An Illustrated Guide to Mindfulness by Mike Medaglia

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This book goes through why being mindful is important and the benefits that it has on ones life.
Using the four seasons (Which explains the title of this book) for each chapter/part, this book shows you how being mindful can uplift you. This book includes practices and beautiful illustrations.

Before I read this book I put on some nature music and it was lovely to read with.
This book was very cute and I really loved the illustrations, it added to the book in a positive way.
Every page looked really cool and in a weird way the book felt good to read. Like I was being in the moment well reading this book.
I enjoyed how this book used the four seasons and each season went through different topics to talk about. Like Ego, Anxiety.

I liked the lessons and practices that this book was teaching. Such as, being grateful for the little things in life. Which we tend to forget to do.

It is funny because I remember when I was younger I thought Meditation was weird. And I couldn't see myself doing it. But growing older I now see Meditation in a new light and think quite highly of it.
Our mind is always racing and its nice to just sit and calm your mind and check in with yourself.
I liked how the author was understand of how hard Meditation can be and even reminded the person reading the book not to be to strict. And even said "If you miss a few days [of meditation], just keep going from where you left off." And I liked that. Because I do that.

Overall I liked this book! :D
To Drink Coffee with a Ghost by Amanda Lovelace

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Content Warning: This book contains the topics of Child Abuse, Eating Disorders, Sexual Assault, Self Harm, Violence, Cheating, Death, Blood, Trauma, Grief and possibly more.

To Drink Coffee with a Ghost is a book about poetry that talks about the memories of a complicated relationship with Amanda Lovelace's deceased mother. As well as, learning to love herself and navigate the world around her.

Picking up this book based on the title I thought it would have been more lighthearted. So it is interesting that it was quite the opposite, or more so in the beginning.
I liked that this book was poetry but it also told a story. And so well reading this book, I was able to picture the words in my head and create images.
This book really goes to show
Spoilerthat you can love someone deeply even when they have hurt you. And that can be hard to understand for a lot of people. How can you love someone when they have hurt you. And this book really captures that.

This book made me want to hug or air hug (whatever they prefer) the author because going through trauma is hard.
I also appreciated that the author put a Trigger Warning and to make sure before and after reading this book to practice self-care.
Calm: Calm the Mind. Change the World by Michael Acton Smith

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We all have problems with keeping stress levels down. Calm shows you how in everyday life you can better help with stress by taking a deep breath and relaxing.
Based on the app, this book shows you how to take a step back from everyday life and practice wellness.

I liked this book and the message that it was talking about. We all experience stress but a lot of the time it is in high levels. And learning to become calm and quiet are racing minds is important for everyday life and our wellness. I really liked the illustrations displayed in this book, it was simple but in a way adding to the satisfaction I got from reading this.
It showed me ways to achieve the goal of being calm and it was interesting to see that the book broke up different topics seen in someone's life where you might need calm or areas that can give you calm. The topics in this book included are,
- Nature (Finding calm in nature.)
- Sleep (The benefits of sleep and how to sleep better.)
- Travel (How to implement calm into travelling.)
- Relationships (Cherishing the loved ones in your life and having a healthier relationship.)
- Work (Learning to have a calmer time at work.)
- Digital Detox (Ways to put some space between you and your electronics for your wellbeing.)
- Children (Spending time with children for personal wellness and teaching children to be mindful and calm in everyday life.)
- Creativity (Ways being creative can bring calm into your life.)
- Food (How food brings us together and can bring calm and ways a warm tea can bring peace.)

Though it didn't effect me very much, I found some of the font to be hard to read. And that could be a problem to some people.

But I enjoyed this book. (:
Sorry I Haven't Texted You Back by Alicia Cook

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Content Warning: This book contains topics of Mental Health, Illness, Guns and Other Weapons, Violence, Suicide, Drugs and Alcohol, Natural Disaster, Death, Sex, Trauma and more that could be triggering to some.

[b:Sorry I Haven't Texted You Back|50898135|Sorry I Haven't Texted You Back|Alicia Cook||75788455] is a poetry mixtape that talks about many different topics from depression to relationships for people who has been struggling with mental health.

This book has two sides/parts (Like a Casset Tape) to it: "Side A" and "Side B." (I have written "Side" instead of Part because this book imitates a Casset Tape.)

Side A: Is the written poetry
Side B: A remix of the poetry written on Side A. Basically, it has taken the poetry from Side A and has crossed out some words and circled some words to make new poetry and meanings from the other poetry written.

I thought this book was interesting and I understood most of the poetry. I did have a few I didn't understand though. And I kind of lost interest after a while of reading Side A. I did enjoy Side B though. I found some I couldn't understand because it was very hard to read and understand since I found it messy. But I did like it and found it creative and that it connected with the original poetry from Side A.
I enjoyed that it had a trigger warning in the start and at the end it also had a Suicide Prevention Line for people who need it.

Overall it was interesting to read. (:
Amethyst: Princess of Gemworld by Shannon Hale, Dean Hale

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Amaya is a princess of House Amethyst in Gemworld. She is a troublemaker and brings her brother into her pranks. They have fun but one prank ends up causing their parents to make the decision of sending Amaya to Earth. Meaning she has no magic. Three years later, after settling into her new life with her friend, Autumn by her side. A prince from another realm pops up and brings her back to Gemworld. Little does she know, Gemworlds fate is in her hands.

The art was stunning and I love the cover art. But the book just wasn't doing it for me. It wasn't that I disliked the book but it was bland. I didn't feel like there was any conflict that Amaya had to go through because they were so overpowered. Autumn was just there. She didn't do anything besides give Amaya company.
I liked the story line but I just thought there could have been more that happened in it.

Samurai: A Very Short Introduction by Michael Wert

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When you think of Samurai you may think of many things but one distinct feature is that they use a katana and are dependent on it. [b:Samurai: A Very Short Introduction|55332261|Samurai A Very Short Introduction|Michael Wert||64828391] brings up myths you might tend to hear and know about the Samurai. Well also teaching you the history of how it got there.

I found this book to be very informative. And it has definitely cast a light for me on the myths of the Samurai that we see in art, manga, film, anime and video games.
I liked that the author chose the term warriors from the ninth through sixteenth century. And then used samurai for the seventeenth and nineteenth century. Which split the two groups from each other, which makes sense why when you read the book.

I learned things from this book I never knew before and I am happy I learned what I did.
In the start, specifically Chapter 1, I didn't understand it very well. I found there was A LOT of names to remember and I just couldn't remember or keep track of each person. So I ended up confused most of Chapter 1.
But past that, I understood it and I enjoyed this book.
Wild Maps for Curious Minds: 100 New Ways to See the Natural World by Mike Higgins

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Wild Maps for Curious Minds feature a wide range of maps that put things into perspective about the Earth and universe we live in. Now you to can WOW your friends and people on the street with random information!

I thought reading this book was interesting and seeing the different and unique ways you can present maps. Usually, I find maps are just showing you the Earth and roads and so it was cool to see maps in a new light! For example, one of the maps shows you that the size of Pluto fits between London and Moscow. I didn't realize Pluto was so small! I knew Pluto was small but not that small.
I found this book to also be very sad.
This book shows you the effect we are having on the planet in maps and diagrams. But when it is put into perspective you really see how we are hurting things as humans.
I enjoyed read this though and it was neat.

Sunshine Boy Vol. 1 by Moosopp

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Kelly a young boy moves to a new home with his parents and meets another kid his age named Grey who lives next door. They instantly become friends and become closer each day. This book follows the life of Kelly and his friend Grey as Kelly navigates life and his new school.

I find this book to be very cute. I love Grey and Kelly's friendship. I love how you can kind of tell there is something there, feeling wise.
I also enjoyed that at the end of the book it tells you about the characters and some of the things about them that wasn't picked up in the book. Like how Grey is tall for his age. Which explains why Kelly is much shorter then him and just short in general compared to his class.
It is interesting to see the different home life that Grey and Kelly have.
SpoilerSuch as, one having protective parents and the other having parents that lack spending time with their child.

I really enjoyed this book and look forward to reading more.