There were definitely some things in here that I needed to hear as I continue to grow and change as a person through this next phase of my life.
Some of the essays definitely came from a place of privilege (see "20 signs you're doing better than you think you are") and this is more of a list based format than any type of in depth analysis. I also feel like other essays were limited to just people in their twenties and since I have already lived through that, I just skipped those parts.
I think this probably would have been better in physical format with the option of annotating things than for audio, which is what I did. There's also repetition that is jarring and made me think my audio device was malfunctioning and taking me to earlier parts of the book. But I think it's worth listening to if you're someone who is trying to reach that next version of yourself or is struggling in life.
This book was thoroughly enjoyable! I loved learning and then seeing the application of Caribbean folkore. Josephine is an awesome character that will no doubt inspire the next gen of young girls to be brave and unapologetically themselves. I also loved her friendship with Ahkai! A refreshing, fun read!
Short story collections can be hit or miss for me, but this one was definitely a hit! I enjoyed the secrets that slowly unfolded in each of these short stories. There is heart, humor, and definitely longing in some of these. Definitely a collection worth exploring!
You can't help but root for our two female leads, even with all the despair and restrictions that govern them. I wanted more depictions of their relationship, but I suppose given the timing of certain historical events, that was not possible. The timeline also jumped around quite a bit.
Laugh out loud relatable (and I rarely do laugh at books) and a really excellent friends to lovers slow burn. Also HUUUGE found family dynamics. Not a lot of smut, but I think given the tone of this book it really makes sense that there isn't.
Books like this one need to exist. If you aren't moved to rage by a group of men who set their sister on fire just because she makes her own choices, I think you need your soul examined.